Are you looking to create a free online raffle for your next non-profit online raffle? Free online raffles are becoming an increasingly popular way to raise money for charitable causes. With our fundraising platform, you can easily set up your own raffle fundraiser and allow your supporters to help cover the costs of running it.
It's easy to create a free online raffle with Chance2Win, supporters can easily contribute to your cause and have fun at the same time. By adding a service fee, you can ensure that your supporters will be able to help cover the costs of running the raffle. The service fee is not a platform fee! 100% of the service goes directly to the charity or non-profit hosting the event which helps cover the cost of processing fees and the platform, which makes your event essentially FREE to run. Supporters feel better knowing that the fee will be going back to the charity to help with processing fees, and by asking your supporters to cover the processing percentage you are even closer to reaching your goals!
An online raffle is easy to manage and can be set up quickly. With free online raffles, you can reach a wider audience, make the entry process more streamline, and increase the chances of success. Additionally, you don’t need any specialized web design knowledge in order to create free online raffles.
With the popularity of social media and the rise creative email campaigns through Mailchimp and other services, free online raffles have become a great avenue to engage supporters and create awareness for your cause. With the right strategy, charities and non-profits can use free online raffles as an effective marketing tool in both their social media and email campaigns to increase their supporter base, social media presence, and drive engagement.
To make the process easier, you can also use QR codes so that supporters can quickly access your fundraising site. This creates a viral effect that can lead to more people participating in the free online raffle, resulting in more exposure for the cause.
Click to learn more about how you can get started with your own online raffle today!